About the Business
I started my career in mortgages in 1983 during the long forgotten days when people had to queue on a waiting list for a mortgage. I attained my first appointment as a Branch Manager at Whitehaven Branch in 1990 and was promoted to Hartlepool in 1991. Following the Leeds' merger with the Halifax I decided that the new regime was not for me and armed with a voluntary redundancy package went off to look for pastures new. A short time with a mortgage packager was followed by my appointment as Business Development Manager with the Newcastle based Universal Building Society in 1997.
Leaving the Universal was a tough decision but I am convinced it is the right one. It will allow me to gain the job satisfaction I need by helping others to make sure they will always have the support they need when making, what is likely to be, their biggest financial commitment. My wife Katherine and I were married in 1990 and we have two children.
Location & Hours

31 Jackson Avenue